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Fishing for Bacon

Fishing for Bacon


<p><b>Winner of the 2010 AlbertaReaders' Choice Award!</b><br><b>Winner of theGeorge Bugnet Award for Fiction at the 2010 Alberta LiteraryAwards!</b><br></p><p>My name’s Bacon Sobelowski, andI’m trying to find my someone. Kenny Rogers sings a song that says there’ssomeone for everyone, and in Bellevue where I live, Kenny Rogers’ word is gold.It’s just too bad my mother thinks girls turn boys into pigs, but that’sprobably just because my father had enough of her Eggos and walked out. Butmaybe she’s right. I’m not sure if Sarah is my someone because she got mad andsmashed chili peppers into a cut on my head, and maybe my someone wouldn’t dothat. Karla could be it because she lets me stay at her condo, but she might betoo old to be my someone. Then there’s Mr. Kwon’s daughter, but she’s sort ofmy cousin and I’m not sure if sort-of cousins can be someones at the same time.I think it might all come down to timing, and if that’s true then I’m introuble. I’m Bacon Sobelowski—who knows if I’ll ever find my someone.</p><p><b>Winner of the 2010 AlbertaReaders' Choice Award!</b><br><b>Winner of theGeorge Bugnet Award for Fiction at the 2010 Alberta LiteraryAwards!</b><br></p><p>My name’s Bacon Sobelowski, andI’m trying to find my someone. Kenny Rogers sings a song that says there’ssomeone for everyone, and in Bellevue where I live, Kenny Rogers’ word is gold.It’s just too bad my mother thinks girls turn boys into pigs, but that’sprobably just because my father had enough of her Eggos and walked out. Butmaybe she’s right. I’m not sure if Sarah is my someone because she got mad andsmashed chili peppers into a cut on my head, and maybe my someone wouldn’t dothat. Karla could be it because she lets me stay at her condo, but she might betoo old to be my someone. Then there’s Mr. Kwon’s daughter, but she’s sort ofmy cousin and I’m not sure if sort-of cousins can be someones at the same time.I think it might all come down to timing, and if that’s true then I’m introuble. I’m Bacon Sobelowski—who knows if I’ll ever find my someone.</p>